Monday, July 20, 2009


You know what stinks?! I've had the song, "School's Out for Summer," stuck in my head ALL day while I've been sitting in the same chair, listening to lectures for 8 hours straight. Not fun! 

Just thought I would say that to you all as you go about your days, whatever it is you are doing. I've decided that I'm going to have a good attitude about it anyways. I'm not wasting my summer. Yes I miss the beach and my family and friends, but school is never a waste of time, not matter what season. AND even though I HATE school, it's good for me...I need to learn to be disciplined and all that other stuff. So this is probably really good for that...that's what my parents always told me, so I guess it helps. But I can't wait to be home!

Farewell for now,

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