Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Saturday marks the start of two months in a foreign country...well, I guess Sunday, because by the time the plane lands, it will be Sunday. ANYWAY...no longer will I have the safety and security of being somewhere that I know, with food that is safe, and a language that is natural. NOPE. Germany holds much more for me than just being new and exciting. It is going to be challenging. For those who don't know, I am going to be spending 2 1/2 months, mostly in Germany, taking 15 credits through my school, Moody Bible Institute. This means, a full semester load of school, and work, and reading, and papers...IN GERMANY! It came so quickly, and I don't feel as prepared as I would like. The first five days that I will be spending there, I will be living in a hostel with about 25 other students, and a couple profs, studying early Christian thought, which is a 3 credit class that will be done in 5 days! This means, over those 5 days, that 7 hours a DAY will be spent in lecture! ah! BUT, the end of those 5 days will lead me to travel in Italy, where I will get to spend time where the early church fathers taught and established churches. Right now, I can't fully imagine what it is going to be like. I am going to be tired, jet-lagged, and probably stinky, but the beauty of a foreign country and the life that will be put to Christian history will be overwhelming. 
While I am there, I will be going to internet cafes and updating all you, friends and family, with thoughts, pictures, and maybe some random lessons that I have learned from the classroom and the foreign land. I feel SO fortunate to be a part of this trip, and not only that, but to also have my boyfriend, John, come along with me. It is going to be a crazy experience, and I would like to hear from you guys via comments, emails, facebook, etc. I hope that some of you would follow this page, because this is probably going to be my main way of communicating, and I would like you all to be a part of my trip to Doicheland...and beyond. 
AND if you think of it, be praying for safety on our journey over there, and during our stay!
Thanks much,


  1. Bye my love!! Have a wonderful adventure, and I'm so thankful how God has provided for and allowed you to be able to go on this journey!! I can't wait to hear what God does in, thru and for you this summer. Te quiero mucho, Jenna!!! Estoy orando por ti al dia!

  2. Guten tag! Mein frau am schonsten. Wie geht's. How is your german so far? Nichtsnutzig!?! Can't wait to see some pictures of the euro sputs. Gute natcht.

  3. hiiii jenna! have sooo much fun! i love germany! if you get a chance, go to wurzberg. i have friends there if you need a home! hahaha love and miss you. wow we have so much to catch up on eh.
